Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Scandinavia and the World

Scandinavia and the World

84,000 Facebook fans, almost 7,000 Twitter followers. They don't need help in getting viewers, but Scandinavia and the World is something I feel almost everyone should read.

Basically, all the characters in the comic are personified countries. Some comics portray recent events in the world, some portray history, others are just little bits the author drew.

At the bottom of each strip is the author's comment explaining what the comic represents. Hoorah for modern political comics! No country is left out, no matter where in the world they are.

The creator, known on the internet as Humon, writes 4 comics. She's where the phrase "Do you Humon?" comes from. She is Danish, and produces all (almost all) of her comics in English.

I highly recommend you read it, if you haven't already. On an unrelated note, x-mas is next week! How are you guys celebrating?

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