Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Special 1: Comic Writing Tips

You have ideas in your head that need to get out. You have a pencil, and a paper. At this point, I started writing comics. I didn't pay for a publisher, and I didn't have to sell them.

If you want to get your media out there, it has to be on the internet. As my teacher once said: "If it's free, it's for me," I realized that people don't buy anything if it already comes in digital, downloadable form. If you can host, advertise, and read webcomics for free, why not do it?

We've firmly established that webcomics are fantastic, and efficient. Because of all their amazing and convenient factors, this blog is dedicated to reviewing as many as possible! Every wednesday will be for comic writing tips, and every comic reviewed will be critiqued. If you have something you would like me to review, drop a comment off, or message me at

-First tip is CONSISTENCY.

You can lose most of your viewers if you don't update your viewers. Most folk, like myself, update once a week. If the strip isn't updated weekly, most people will state this in their site. 

One that works well is Modest Medusa, updated Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

This one is about Modest Medusa, and her adventures with her friends in Portland, Oregon. She sleeps in the toilet and loves Chocodiles. It says right on the site homepage the update dates, and if Jake Richmond isn't updating, he lets the readers know what's going on.

One that doesn't work is Chu n' Tost

Chu n' Tost is about the adventures of a train and a piece of toast. I love Chu n' Tost, but the lack of regular updates drive me batty. I keep it in my RSS to remind me that it exists, but not much else is keeping it afloat. Chu n' Tost has a consistent art style, and a continuous plotline, but the updates lack consistency. Yes, the site does say "Updates Thursdays," but I obsessively check my RSS and have been let down on many Thursdays.

For first  time writers, I recommend writing a few strips at a time, and uploading once a week. If you haven't written anything new, you can use the backup strips and upload those periodically until you write more. 

If you're absolutely out of strips, either make one last minute or tell your readers what's going on. If you don't update, they'll likely assume you're dead, or don't care about your site. Show your fans some love!

Speaking of, mine updates tonight and every Wednesday night, if anyone would care to have a look.

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